The Importance of Music Education

Music is an art form and a form of communication that crosses cultural and language barriers across the world. Humans are born with an innate sense of rhythm (admittedly, to varying degrees), which is displayed by even the tiniest of tots as they wave their arms about when they hear music they like. While you’re never too old to start learning to play an instrument or sing, a focused study of music at an early age has several life-enriching benefits. Read on to learn why music education needs to be a part of every child’s life.

  1. Language Skills

Several studies show that there is a strong correlation between music and linguistic capabilities. Studying music helps the left half of the brain develop physically. This is also the same half of the brain that is associated with language, reasoning, and communication skills. Enhanced language, reasoning, and communication skills have far-reaching benefits on the development of social and cognizant skills as well.

  1. Physical Coordination

People use their eyes, ears, arms, hands, legs, and feet while playing an instrument. Learning to play an instrument allows your child’s physical coordination abilities to develop, giving them a sense of control. This ability can also help them perform better at sports.

  1. Better Academic Performance

A study by the University of British Columbia showed that children who participated in extended or long-term musical learning programs were, on average, academically over one year ahead of their peers. 

  1. A Fun Way to Learn Math

Kids who study music learn to interpret fairly complex mathematics without even realizing it. They learn about ratios, fractions, and proportions, all while having fun. As rhythm is all about patterns and visualizing them, children who study music have been known to perform better on spatiotemporal tasks

  1. Focus and Memory

Playing an instrument or singing requires immense focus. Performing with a band requires even more skill.  The ability to concentrate while still paying attention to their surroundings is a skill that will benefit children throughout their lives. Additionally, students of music often commit long pieces of music to memory. Continuously memorizing music, notes and lyrics keeps their memory sharp.

  1. Social Skills

Music brings people together. As children gain confidence in their musical abilities, it’s only natural for them to want to meet and play music with like-minded individuals. Being able to communicate in a band setting, working together and learning how to resolve differences helps children develop their social and leadership skills.

  1. It’s Fun

The most important part of learning music is that it’s fun. The more a child masters their instrument, the more they enjoy playing it. In fact, it’s a healthy way to relieve stress too. You’ll find them turning to their instruments time and again when they need to take a break. 

NUVO Music School offers in-home and online music lessons throughout White Rock, South Surrey, Surrey and Delta with options to study a variety of instruments as well as vocal and theory lessons. As a decade-old school with over 25 teachers and hundreds of satisfied students, NUVO Music School is well-equipped to provide high-quality, personalized education to your children. 

Register for music lessons online today or call us at (604) 614-3340 for more information.


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